How are we doing with RCIA?

Over two years ago, we started to restructure our RCIA to a year-round catechumenal model. Currently, we have 15 people at different stages of the RCIA process. At the moment, we’re trying to work out a neater model that will still allow people to enter at any time, that they cover all the teachings, and that they will remain in the process for a suitable length of time.

At the moment, we have a cycle of four phases:

  1. Precatechumenate – 12-week phase (someone can stay in this period of evangelisation and enquiry until they are ready for the Rite of Acceptance / Welcoming)
  2. Catechumenate Phase I – 12 weeks of teachings geared towards the Virtue of Faith
  3. Catechumenate Phase II – 12 weeks of teachings geared towards the Virtue of Hope
  4. Catechumenate Phase III – 12 weeks of teachings geared towards the Virtue of Love

In each of these phases, all four dimensions of the Christian life are present (faith believed, celebrated, lived and prayed). We are still trying to get it right – so that there are particular points during the year when the enquiry phase feeds into the Catechumenate.

If you are involved in RCIA ministry, this is a great video to help you think through these questions. I met Dino Durando last summer at Steubenville – here he gives a really good background based in what the GDC and RCIA ask us to do. Start from 32:04 to hear the practical applications of the year-round model for the parish by the RCIA Coordinator in his parish. And get this – they have over 100 people in their process!