Godhead Three In One


There’s something I love about the account in Genesis 18:1-15, of the three mysterious visitors coming to Abraham. I love imagining the stifling middle-eastern heat of the day, Abraham sitting outside his tent trying to keep cool, then seeing these guests in the distance. So attentive is he to God, so tuned in to his presence, that he immediately recognises the three visitors as sent from on high. He runs to them and bows to the earth before them. He invites them to wash themselves and rest under a tree, while he hurries to prepare food and drink. He promises them “a morsel of bread”, and in fact goes to slaughter a calf! Talk about hospitality.

The mystery of the Blessed Trinity is the mystery of relationship and communion. Pope Benedict XVI wrote that the “name” of the Blessed Trinity is

“imprinted upon all things because all that exists, down to the last particle, is in relation; in this way we catch a glimpse of God as relationship and ultimately, Creator Love”.

Everything that exists is in relation! You know those moments you sometimes have – perhaps it’s a family celebration, or a holiday with friends, and you are utterly enjoying each other’s company, and are full of peace and happiness. It might seem for a moment like time freezes and you wish it could stay this way forever.

Indeed, moments like this are what we are made for. In fact, we’re made for an eternal moment of this. It is just a tiny foretaste of the communion of love and life we will experience in the Heart of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.