Blogging Buddies…

Blogging seems to have really taken off recently… I think I can say I was blogging before it was cool 😉 I am really loving that some fantastic mummy-bloggers are getting the “feminine genius” out there… Here are some of my favourites.

1) At the Heart of the Home


OK, I am slightly biassed here… this is my sister’s blog! I am utterly proud of my little sister who is a beautiful and radiant wife and mummy, growing into her gorgeous vocation. It has been moving for me to watch her blossom into someone so loving and bursting with life. Marriage and family life are a beautiful witness, especially when the couple is young and setting out. Tess’s blog expresses all of that.

2) Buntyliving


It was a great joy for me when Bunty and Ed moved to Portsmouth – more fab, young people for this vibrant city! It’s been great getting to know each other the past few months. And I have to say, there is nothing better than stopping for a coffee break amidst the barrage of emails at work and seeing that Bunty has transformed her lounge with an amazingly creative idea, while I have been answering emails. Haha! I love it.

3) Faith in our Familiesfaithinourfamilies

Faith in our Families is written by Clare Short, a mum of three. I love Clare’s honest and practical approach, and find it really inspiring how she is raising her children in the faith. Go Clare!